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*We will hold a retrospective event(report back) for APAC Community Summit 2022! *
Many chapter leaders will be attending the AWS APAC Community Summit in Bangkok on September 15-16. At this event, we would like to provide the technical and non-technical knowledge that the participants gained at the event, what they learned and felt from participating in the event, and feedback from the speakers at the event!!
*Simultaneous interpretation will not be provided.
*Most of the sessions are in Japanese.
October 17, 2022 (Monday) 19:00-22:00 (Wait time 18:30/Previously 18:50)
*The distribution URL is Youtube or oVice. oVice is the business metaverse platform.
*On the day of the event, there will be participation and interaction from oVice.
If you are accessing for the first time, please create an account first.
Help pages in English are as follows:
ID: @jawsdays (JAWS-UG official account)
The hashtag is #jawsug #AWSCommunityAPAC .
The JAWS-UG Secretariat will act as the person in charge of information management and properly manage personal information obtained as necessary for the operation of this event in accordance with laws and regulations.
The URL for event distribution will be listed in the notes of this event, so please check there and participate.
Please note that there may be some audio and image quality issues during the event. Please note that we cannot accept any complaints or complaints about how to deal with connection problems.
開始時刻 Start time |
終了時刻 End time |
タイトル Title |
コミュニティ Community |
スピーカー Speaker |
ホルダー Holder |
18:45:00 | 18:50:00 | オープニング Opeing |
JAWS-UG | 全員 All members |
18:50:00 | 19:00:00 | JAWS PANKRATIONのことで英語登壇するまでの一連の話 | Security-JAWS JAWS-UG Security Branch |
吉江 瞬 Shun Yoshie |
AWS Community Hero |
19:00:00 | 19:10:00 | Community Summitの意義と招待基準、そしてCommunity Awardについて | Amazon Web Services Japan | 沼口 繁 Shigeru Numaguchi |
19:10:00 | 19:20:00 | 2018年のAPAC LEADERS MEETUPへの参加経験から今回参加して感じた変化について | JAWS-UG愛媛、岐阜、四国 JAWS-UG Ehime/Gihu/Shikoku Branch |
影浦 義丈 Yoshitake Kageura |
AWS SAMURAI 2018 AWS Community Builder |
19:20:00 | 19:30:00 | 各国のコミュニティ・リーダーに共通する思考について | AWS Startup Community | Sumi | AWS Community Builder |
19:30:00 | 19:40:00 | how we think about communities, why it’s important and share about community summit + how awesome our JP Delegation was | Amazon Web Services | Shafraz Rahim | |
19:40:00 | 19:50:00 | Dev/Cloud Allianceから見たAPAC Community Summit 2022 | 土居 俊也 Toshiya Doi |
Dev/Cloud Alliance Members | |
19:50:00 | 20:00:00 | 海外登壇を目指す方へ ~CFPの書き方だったり気合だったり~ | Amazon Web Services Japan | 亀田 治伸 Harunobu Kameda |
20:00:00 | 20:10:00 | Engineers & Communities in APAC! | AWS Startup Community | さわら(小笠原寛明) Hiroaki Ogasawara |
AWS Community Builder AWS Startup Architecture of the Year 2019 Finalist |
20:10:00 | 20:20:00 | Serverless & Containers Breakoutでの登壇とそれまでの振り返り | Serverless Community JP | 堀家 隆宏 Takahiro Horike |
AWS Serverless Hero |
20:20:00 | 20:30:00 | みんな違ってみんないい / DE&I セッションパネリストによる報告 | JAWS-UG 関西女子会 JAWS-UG Kansai Girls |
伊藤 博美 Hiromi Ito |
AWS Community Hero |
20:30:00 | 20:40:00 | 休憩 Rest |
休憩 Rest |
休憩 Rest |
休憩 Rest |
20:40:00 | 20:50:00 | フロントエンド勢から見たAPAC Community Summit記 | Amplify Japan User Group | 木原 卓也 (@tacck) Takuya Kihara |
AWS Community Builder |
20:50:00 | 21:00:00 | Intractive Community Program Workshopをして、コミュニティについて考えてみる(仮) | JAWS-UGおおいた JAWS-UG Oita Branch |
阿部 拓海 Takumi Abe |
21:00:00 | 21:10:00 | Modern Application workshopに参加した感想と帰りは大変なことになった話 | JAWS-UG福岡支部 JAWS-UG Fukuoka Branch |
木村 健一郎 Kenichiro Kimura |
21:10:00 | 21:20:00 | 英語が全くできないエンジニアがAPAC Community Summitに参加した感想 | JAWS-UG横浜支部 JAWS-UG Yokohama Branch |
新居田 晃史 Akifumi Niida |
AWS Community Builder |
21:20:00 | 21:30:00 | 俺とAPAC Community Summit DevOps Breakout 部屋 | JAWS-UG金沢支部 JAWS-UG Kanazawa Branch |
ふぁらお加藤 Pharaoh Kato |
AWS SAMURAI 2019 AWS Community Builder 2021 |
21:30:00 | 21:40:00 | APAC Community Summit での裏ミッション 〜タイの中心で愛を叫んできた〜 | JAWS-UG 情シス/アーキテクチャ支部 JAWS-UG Systems Admin/Architecture branch |
山﨑 奈緒美 Naomi Yamasaki |
21:40:00 | 21:50:00 | APAC Community Summit と、それまでの軌跡を振り返る | JAWS-UG 浜松支部 JAWS-UG Hamamatsu Branch |
松井 英俊 Hidetoshi Matsui |
AWS Serverless Hero |
21:50:00 | 22:00:00 | 傍観者から一歩踏み出したら、APAC Community Award を受賞できた話 | JAWS-UG 千葉支部 JAWS-UG Chiba branch |
山口 正徳 Masanori Yamaguchi |
AWS Community Hero |
22:00:00 | 22:05:00 | クロージング Closing |
JAWS-UG | 全員 All members |
22:00:00 | 23:00:00 | 懇親会 Social gathering |
We would like to find and pick up any questions tweeted from those tweeted with hashtags.
connpassへ移行します。 リンクはこちら JAWS-UG(AWS User Group – Japan)は、日本全国に50を超える支部を持つ Amazon Web Services(以下AWS)のユーザーグループです。全国の各支部では、AWSに関する技術交流や人材交流が毎週のように行われ、AWSユーザーの技術力向上およ...
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